So I'm a good few months into my rediscovery of film.
How is it going?
Not bad, I'm enjoying it. I'm having to try super hard in not buying more film kit. The darkroom is set up, the chemicals are ready.
But it's slow going. I'm finding it difficult to find the time to take pictures on film and it even longer to get them developed and printed. And by printed, so far I mean scanned and presented digitally.
I am enjoying it. The results, especially using expired film have been unpredictable. Less than perfect. Sometimes grainy, sometimes with artifacts I'm not expecting. That just adds to the fun.
Moreover, I don't get the instant feedback that I do with digital. Any time I've missed the focus I have not been able to spot it and correct it at the time of taking the picture. Again, it's resulted in some pictures that are "less than perfect".
I'm learning to love the imperfections.
My oldest nipper has also shown an interest in shooting on film. So we're going out, taking some pictures together and I'll introduce him to the joys and fears of developing your own film.
I'll make sure I get some results posted here.
In the meantime, here's a picture of my youngest nipper. Full of grain, with a super wide aperture I missed my focus. But it might just be one of my favourite pitcures of this year.